Just A Question

Rapid response to medical questions

Concise medical information is provided in writing in response to general medical questions in all fields of medicine. The response is transferred to the member within 3 business days from the day the expert received the query. In most cases, response is sent within 1 business day.

"Just a Question" is a service intended for general questions only and is not meant for personal medical questions. The service is not intended as a substitute for medical consultation with a doctor. As answers are written in a general manner only, they are not to be taken as medical advice without proper medical consultation. The physician answering the question cannot relate to any real existing medical condition, since he or she has no personal medical records. The answer given will be specific to the question only, and will not expand beyond it.

When a question submitted to "Just a Question" does not comply with the regulations for this service, Medical Opinion reserves the right to redirect the question to the "Second Opinion" service. In such cases, Medical Opinion will notify the member, who will then have the option of engaging the "Second Opinion" service or canceling the inquiry.

  • The medical opinion service providers are physicians who are medical specialists, or experts in their fields, a recognized medical center or experts acting in the medical center's name, or a Medical Opinion doctor.

  • These questions are submitted directly from the member with no need for accompanying medical diagnoses or any other medical documentation.

  • The questions will be submitted in English.

  • The questions can be related to the member's personal state of health, general medical questions, or technical medical questions, such as where to perform specified medical procedures or tests. If required, recommendations can also be given regarding hospitals or doctors.

  • All questions and their ensuing responses are considered personal and confidential.

  • This service is not meant to replace medical treatment or follow-up care.


Each YPO member/family is entitled to up to 5 requests per year without additional cost. For the 6th request and thereafter – 99 USD per request.